
Raise Brand Awareness

Showcase your prestige with an event of impeccable taste. Or deliver an unforgettably unique experience to demonstrate your creative brilliance..


Event Management

With true events expertise on-board, Omaar can take care of event management to make your job easier and deliver a spectacular result.

We’re happy to take as big or as small a role as you wish. We can take care of all your event planning needs, or act as a trusted partner and advisor, stepping in when needed. No matter the level of support you require, you can count on Penguins to stick by your side, adding value every step of the way.


Our possibilities:
Work with the media. We provide a wide range of PR services in Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia & Turkey in the following areas:
Protection and management of business reputation;
PR campaigns to protect businesses and increase the value of business shares;
Integration of information reasons in the media;
Recording author's TV programs, participation in TV programs;
Positive strategic initiatives in the public sector.


Event PR

To organize and hold an event properly is a challenging task. And to headline such an event in media competently is twice more difficult. We live in the world of information technologies and high-speed Internet. Every day hundreds of companies around the world fight for the attention of the customers.
It comes as no surprise, then, that catching someone's eye has become a challenge. It is especially rather complicated to get the audience interested in something new, unusual, something that has not yet become tedious. It is not an easy task to gather even the nearest and the dearest, together for own birthday. Then it goes without saying that it is much more difficult to attract guests for such complex events as:

  • Business and press conferences
  • Dinner parties and fashion shows
  • Exhibitions and presentations
  • Business lunches and evening
  • Charitable events

Each of these activities requires a customized approach, great knowledge and experience in PR and advertising industries, understanding of the special aspects of holding and managing. Not so many agencies may accomplish such a multiphase work, and a full-time PR specialist will face insuperable difficulties. The question here is how best to act? Of course you can take own control of everything, and spend work hours and free time to complete the whole range of tasks. But it is far better and more reliable just to approach an issue of selecting the proper event PR and advertising agency intelligently.


Digital Comunications

Internet is an essential part of everyday life of your employees, customers, colleagues and partners. Social media have become a source of information and a communication platform for millions of people all over the world. In compliance with modern communication trends, our agency guarantees your company’s presence in New Media and also ensures an effective promotion among internet-audience.

Our list of services includes:

• Forming your company’s presence strategy and New Media promotion
• Social media and blog sphere monitoring
• Forming your brand/company’s communities in social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, Foursquare, YouTube
• Company and brand’s New Media promotion
• Infographics & Infographic Design
• Mobile Apps
• Interactive Games
• Viral Marketing
• Internet Commercials
• Organizing of Web Press Cutting Service during Events


Crisis Communications

Crisis Communication is your business reputation’s defense. Our agency will develop a crisis-proof program for your company. It will include a complex of measures created for neutralizing negative factors and also for protecting your company from interior and exterior threats.
• Communication audit and determination of interior and exterior threats
• Creation of crisis-proof program
• Preparation of crisis-proof headquarters
• Creation of PR-defense strategy
• Strategically response in crisis
• Crisis-proof consulting


We can help you


Raise Brand Awareness

Showcase your prestige with an event of impeccable taste. Or deliver an unforgettably unique experience to demonstrate your creative brilliance.


Contact us


Omaar FZ LLE
Fujairah - Creative Tower
P.O. Box 4422
Fujairah, U.A.E.

203 Nizami street,
AF Business House, 3rd floor
Baku, Azerbaijan

Contact Form